
My scholarly and applied work on education, literature and place/space has helped me stay connected and involved, in various roles, with causes that matter to me and with people and projects I believe in. I'm interested in human rights and their conection with real access to 1)educational opportunity and public education, 2)knowledge and information and 3)environmental justice, housing and just recovery.

Below, I highlight some of the public and non-profit organizations I've been lucky to support and work with throughout the years in Puerto Rico and the US. Todas ellas hacen trabajo sólido, honesto y de calidad. Click the arrow to read more about each one and give them a like, a follow, or a donation.

My scholarly and applied work on education, literature and place/space has helped me stay connected and involved, in various roles, with causes that matter to me and with people and projects I believe in. I'm interested in human rights and their conection with real access to 1)educational opportunity and public education, 2)knowledge and information and 3)environmental justice, housing and just recovery.

Below, I highlight some of the public and non-profit organizations I've been lucky to support and work with throughout the years in Puerto Rico and the US. Todas ellas hacen trabajo sólido, honesto y de calidad. Click the arrow to read more about each one and give them a like, a follow, or a donation.

Northern Arizona University

Professor and University Associate

I believe everyone should have a real opportunity to aspire to and access quality higher education, and I'm particularly interested in supporting and protecting public colleges and universities like the three I've had the privilege of working at: The University of Puerto Rico, CUNY's Lehman College and Northern Arizona University (NAU). My current work at NAU includes collaborating with friend and fundraising efforts, community engagement, and access-related initiatives. Donations from individuals and organizations help NAU's mission by broadening access to educational attainment for low-income, rural, first generation and Native American students, propelling Native American initiatives, contributing to impactful research and more.

HASER: Haciendo Acciones Socio-Ecológicas Resilientes

Board Member

HASER's mission is to promote social well-being in Puerto Rico through community-based projects working towards equity and quality of life. It provides administrative infrastructure to organizations such as Casa Pueblo, ARECMA and Colmena Cimarrona. HASER's network of actions stimulate equity and quality of life in four areas: Food Sovereignty, Conservation of Natural Areas, Social and Environmental Justice, and Art and Culture.

ALPR:Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico

Chair of the board

ALPR es una organización pro-derechos humanos que provee educación y apoyo legal gratuito y accesible a personas y comunidades con una visión de apoderamiento legal.  Sus proyectos atienden temas de acceso a la justicia, derecho a la vivienda, a la justicia climática y a la recuperación justa.

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Dr. Rima Brusi